nnnnnggggggNGNGGG… what is this pain won’t go away and let me sleep. Uncap the orange bottle and swallow two percocets… gulp – – –
NNNGGGGG huhhhhuhhh
up from homebed blankets and pillows, hunchwalk over to the bathroom, sit down, push nnngggggGGG nothinnggggGGGgg… still…. Nnggg.. no go…
tired, pull a towel hanging from the door on to the cold tiles and lie down, released from the hospital because I had bowel movement, not moving now
Need a grrrggll, try to push it through manually, fingers prodding the pain spot…
hurts worse…
no relief
pure pain undiluted
“Are you okay in there?” Mom voice.
“MMm, I don’t think so…”
“Should I call the doctor?”
“Okay what should I tell him?”
“Acute pain, not moving…”
“How long?”
“Past few hours.”
“Okay, and you’ve been taking your pain meds?”
“He says to bring you into the ER, it’s still not going away right?”
“Okay, I’m going to get ready, let’s get you into the car.”
– – –AAGGGNNNGGGGgggggNNggNGgngggg…- – –
codeine in bloodstream, dulling enough to help hunchwalk back to my room put on loose clothes and hit bowl before I go? No, might need my lungs.
Out into the night, mom’s car around the corner, get into the passenger’s seat.
“I’ll try to not hit any bumps.”
To the bridge…
– – –