Control touch, tap tap, shoulders squared, step into the pass to Tom, then one foot in front of the other into space, position, receive, tap ahead for stride instep strike towards the semicircle goal… net!
“All right good game, guess you guys have played together before,” said one of our sweaty pickup opponents.
“You could say that,” replied Tom.
“See you here next week? We’ll make sure to split y’all up.”
“I’ll be here, but he’s going off to college.”
“Oh gotcha, have fun, come play when you’re back in town.”
High skyline above the river, tens of thousands of windows beginning to light as dusk fades to night, more possible spectators than any stadium, though they would need binoculars from the other side of the river. Water bottle on the sideline, stay hydrated, missing colon absorption.
“Nice goal, you played better than I expected.”
“I still have touch, but I can’t get around anyone.”
“You’ll get it back. Physical therapy is helping?”
“Oh yeah, they have me bulking up my quads and calves to take pressure off my knees, they don’t feel perfect, but good enough for now.”
“Wanna keep kicking it around for a bit?”
“My legs are pretty tired, gonna be sore in the morning. Also told mom I’d be home for dinner, and I’ve got a few more things to pack for tomorrow.”
“If you forget anything I’ll bring it when I drive out to visit.”
“Appreciate it. I’m excited for you to come out, I’ll take you to the cliffs, and we can go swimming at the lake.”
“Can’t wait, I’m expecting summer camp.”
“Pretty much.”
“You still think it’s cool to bring some flower to try to sell?”
“Yeah, my buddy Paul said he’d definitely take a QP. Whatever you get will be way better than anything that’s out there, so once people see it I bet they’ll want more.”
“Great, yea, I think I’m gonna grab some OG I sampled yesterday, it’s legit.”
Walk home along the river, past lots planned for high-rise developments, Brooklyn becoming Manhattan, stacks of glass boxes, most valuable thing in the world is a good view in New York City. Further past Congress Park basketball and tennis courts and over the highway, pep in my step, and stomach whole, door open, smell of home food.
“Oh good you’re back just in time, let me call your sister, DINNER’S READY! I boiled the vegetables so they should be easy to digest.”
Sat down, “Bless us oh lord in these thy gifts which we are about to receive through thy bountiful hands through Christ our lord Amen, and thank you for our good health and please let us hold on to it for a long time.” Mom smiled and touched my shoulder.
Steamed broccoli and carrots, porkchops and potatoes, extra hungry after soccer, but have to be sure to chew well and mushify so as not to get obstructed by scar tissue.
“How was soccer?” asked sister.
“Good, I played with Tom, we won, I scored the last goal.”
“So your knees feel good?”
“Enough for now.”
“That’s awesome,” said sister.
“I’m so glad to hear that. Are you all packed?” asked mom.
“Almost. Anything I can’t fit in the car tomorrow Tom said he can bring when he visits.”
“Oh, he got his license?”
“Yep. On his first try down in Red Hook which is supposed to be the hardest location.”
“That’s nice of him to help you settle in.”
“Yeah, I hope he has a good time, I don’t know if I’ll know anyone besides Paul.”
“I’m sure you’ll make new friends quickly.”
“I don’t know, I think my social skills have atrophied.”
“Nothing like the start of a college semester to whip them back into shape.”
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